Samples from my personal design works
3D determination of the geometry of limestone cavities around the TBM shield.
Structural design of Reinforced Concrete Block for TBM break-in with face pressure.
Reinforcement drawings – Steel reinforced part of the structure
Reinforcement drawings – GFRP reinforced part of the structure
Design of TBM tunnel passing through Piraeus station
Flow field and Active pore pressures after the 3rd stage of the station excavation
Displacements of the TBM tunnel lining, internal forces and structural checks, determining the lowest possible station excavation level.
Design of micropile wall anchored by 2 rows of pre-stressed anchors
Drawings of the landslide stabilization works
Remining and repair works - Drawing
Tunnel Final lining analysis with the software Strand7
Tunnel final lining reinforcements
Independent checking of the designs of the Georgian Railways Modernization project in between Zestafoni – Khasuri in Georgia
Customer: ILF Consulting Engineers Georgia
Customer: ILF Consulting Engineers Georgia
Independent checking of the T9 tunnel excavation and temporary support design
Geological – geotechnical evaluation and liquefaction check of the new railroad link Santiago – Batuco in Chile
Customer: Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE)
Customer: Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE)
Automated Excel file for quick evaluation of the geotechnical parameters, liquefaction and cyclic softening checks
Gabion walls design
Concrete cover wall design
Designs of retaining walls and cuts of the ERL Depot, Singapore Metro
Customer: Parsons Brinckerhoff
Customer: Parsons Brinckerhoff
Design of pile shear keys for landslide stabilization
Design of L-shaped RC retaining wall
Design of reinforced embankment
Structural analyses of piles, walers and struts
Detailed construction drawings
Extract of the geological map drawing with the selected new road alignment